About the Journal
Medical Review is the most comprehensive medical journal for all doctors, following Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo /Serbian Archive for the Entire Medicine/, the oldest medical journal of the kind in Serbia, published by the Serbian Medical Society. Over its 75 years of continuous publication, Medical Review has made an invaluable contribution to the advancement of medical knowledge and healthcare service in Vojvodina, while playing a key role in the development of essential medical personnel.
As the official journal of the Medical Society of Vojvodina of the Serbian Medical Society, Medical Review publishes biomedical research across various fields, catering to a broad medical audience. Founded in 1948, the journal has been regularly published since 1953, releasing six double issues annually.
The journal accepts manuscripts authored by members of the Medical Society of Vojvodina of the Serbian Medical Society, as contributions from subscribers both nationally and internationally. Only manuscripts prepared in accordance with the Instructions for Associates and successfully peer-reviewed are eligible for publication. The journal features a variety of content categories, including editorials, original articles, review and professional papers, case reports, Preliminary communications, historical perspectives on medicine, and other relevant contributions.
Since 2013, Medical Review has been part of the ASEESTANT system for online journal management and publication.
Manuscripts can be submitted, and the review process can be tracked through the following website: http://aseestant.ceon.rs/index.php/medpreg/
The Editorial Board of Medical Review comprises esteemed experts from Serbia and abroad.
The journal has a recognizable format and is indexed in the following databases: Index Medicus, Scopus, doiSerbia, and Directory of Open Access Journals.
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